Thursday, January 31, 2008


tgh update la ni zkay. ish ish. sabar itu separuh daripada iman =)


school has organized this Language Week and there will be various kinds of activities that will be held.
and theres this one competition, Pidato o.o
i think my class tak ada wakil. huahua :D i think our bm teacher wants Rye to enter. break a leg woman!

i'm so mad at Cik Pooh ( you know who ). everything needs to be in control, organized well and most of all if there are any trouble or problems that occur,i guarantee you she is not going to be responsible.
how are we supposed to create music when we ourselves dont get the chance to rehearse and practice the songs?
OBJECTION. this is absurd! blargh. i dont want to talk about it anymore.

tukar topic :)
i love little kids :D but only when theyre cut and not naughty.
as i got on my school bus to school every morning,there will be some little boys standing in front of me.
"ishh. kalau kita duduk atas lantai boleh ke?"
"kan senang kalau jadi macam..macam spiderman =D lekat kat dinding jeee"
"haa aahh! cicakman pun boleh =D"
and so the story of spiderman continues on and on and on and on. they are so adorable =D
dah la kecik je. i smiled the whole time on the way to school. sigh,such good children =)
did i mentioned that i have to tahan them if they are about to fall. maklumlah, pakcik drive dengan pantas x)

lalala. homework is pouring in like rain ( hahahaha funny ).
i have to write and elecution. then i have to present it to the rest of the class. and then the teacher will award me my marks. haha. i hope dapat banyak ;s
i know i'm good in science,but science lessons are really really hard to understand nowadays! sampaikan nota tengok buku rujukan because the textbook is. simple? x) after the lesson,i have to explain what weve learned earlier again to some of my friends. i dont blame them. it is hard to understand. sorry Mrs K.

dream of unicorns and cotton candy =) it'll make you happy