Saturday, September 13, 2008

Surakarta :D

only half of the photos are here. i gotta post a new one to give you guys all the scoop. enjoy. for now :p

on the plane. smells like peoples' armpit eww

this was taken as soon as we arrived.
airport kecik nak mati.
sampai, ambik barang then
parking lot O.O

pahlawan man with torch :D

hotel's toilet. kakak tak sabar nak camwhore

ooo. cucuk sanggul o.o

first family photo there :D
then we wasted no time
its time to go on tour!

some palace.
i rock shit haha

i think this was Pasar Kelewer

oh wait jat, finishing touches uhummm

i mean PAK. saya pamit dulu ya xD

yea benerrr, saya perlu pamit dulu. blogger mcm pande temen tau nggak. permisi
