Friday, December 12, 2008


13th December 2008, Saturday, 1359 hours.

I dont have a life. I regret not waking up when kakak invited me to hang with her the whole day. Big mistake. I ended up staying at home, consulting my brother on playing at his friends' house and maybe gonna start on my holiday essay. MAYBE. Looking at it now, it seems like Izzat has more of a life than i do. I'm broke but at least he has company. Stinky friends of his. They like to blast music loudly like its nobody's business. I Kissed A Girl? What The Hell man.. Do they even know whats a headphone?

Deeply missing my soul mates a lot. Most of Hana's Twilight Saga series are with me. I just need Breaking Dawn then i can claim it as my own collection! KIDDING. Really bummed that your not gonna sleepover at my place piccadilly :( I'm gonna be so lost without you.

ARHHH bored bored


still bored

...can i kill myself yet?...

* mental breakdown *

Okay then. I know I'm killing all of you with this retarded post of mine. Some posts are not that upbeat anymore. I guess I'm depressed.

Thats it, I'm on a quest on finding my salvation :)

toodles xoxo