Saturday, August 18, 2012

the wallflower's guide to 'how to be and feel sexy'

  • treat everyone with kindness, even though they don't deserve it.
  • be quiet, lower your gaze. you'll seem mysterious.
  • you don't have to shed a lot of skin in order to be sexy. confidence is key.
  • manners are very important. vulgar language is a big turn off.
  • say 'please' and 'thank you'. smile.
  • wear sexy undergarments. i believe that confidence shines from within.
  • read. and by read i meant factual stuffs and current issues. drooling over fantasies from your novels won't make you any smarter, it seems. smart is sexy.
  • don't give away too much.
  • be yourself. putting on charades is not going to help you. try and learn to be comfortable in your own skin. love yourself before letting others love you.
  • explore new things.
  • learn how to be creative. keep a journal, write random stuffs, read a random book, join a club, try a new dish, experiment in the kitchen.
  • give out lovely compliments. and be sincere.
  • think nicely of other people.
  • do volunteer work. give as much as you take.
  • don't expect. do things out of love and passion. do it for yourself, not to attract attention. if you've done enough, people will notice.
  • breathe in the earth, the people, the smell of coffee, the scent of a newly opened book. appreciate life.
  • be thankful.

Being sexy is not about showing your cleavage or having people bow down to you as if you're a goddess, no. To me, being sexy is being womanly. And by being womanly, is to embrace our fragile and tender nature. Our loving souls. As a woman, I think the most attractive trait that we can have is confidence with humility. 

"Be humble for you are made of Earth. Be noble for you are made of stars."