Friday, November 07, 2008

Monkey see, Monkey do

just finished reading Hana's bloggie. hehe i got inspired lol xD

year 2008 is nearly coming to an end. unexpected events happened today and causes some new affairs. it is truely a dramatic day for me.

well you know the drill, me being hyper and annoying among my friends and irritate them et cetera et cetera.... today had a different turn. well yeah, band was amusing. sensitive issues come undone. haih..

well talking about next year. it has come to my attention that i have to set my goals straight and make new year resolutions and actually perform them haha. i think one of them is going to be "finish holiday homework" pffthh. satu holiday homework pun tarakkk

yeah sure when you get them at first your smart brain says " ohh yeah this should be fun! it would be no trouble at all to finish em *fake smile*" nanti time cuti tak buat jgak.

tsk tsk tsk. hanan hanan x)

HAHAHAHA. yes i talk to myself piss off buckarooney

hmm hmm some goals for now;

  1. get active. my fitness is way off even walking tortures me
  2. get new books to read
  3. make house clean and dust free as if
  4. learn how to bake something hm
  5. buy new stuff
  6. buy new clothing
  7. buy new undergarments
  8. figure out hair traumas
  9. get in touch with spiritual self and cleanse soul haha
  10. build up confidence and self esteem lol

tetibe rasa mcm byk je 10 tu. xD actually theres more. but i think theyre out of my reach. heh. lets just say, i crave for something priceless.

well i'm tired. thanks for tuning in to The Boring Blog :D